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A search for 'The Sand Pebbles' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1086 matches in tracks
  1. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from All About Steve McQueen
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  2. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Towering Inferno, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  3. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Papillon
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  4. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Getaway, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  5. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Cincinnati Kid, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  6. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Bullitt
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  7. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Sand Pebbles, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  8. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Le Mans
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  9. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Great Escape, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  10. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Magnificent Seven, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  11. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Reivers, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  12. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Love With The Proper Stranger
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  13. Theme From The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Thomas Crown Affair, The
    Percy Faith & His Orchestra from THE SAND PEBBLES
  14. Pebbles In The Sand (00:00)
    from All The Right Noises
  15. The Sand Pebbles (00:00)
    from Movie Medleys
  16. Pebbles In The Sand (00:00)
    from All The Right Noises
  17. Pebbles In The Sand (00:00)
    from All The Right Noises
  18. THE SAND PEBBLES: And We Were Lovers (03:07)
    from Jerry Goldsmith Collection, The - Volume 1: Rarities
  19. My Secret (From The Sand Pebbles) (02:19)
    from Goldsmith At 20th - Vol. 5
  20. My Secret (From The Sand Pebbles) (02:19)
    from Anna And The King
Show all 1086 matching tracks